Case studies

Improving our dental service

New dental project aims to put a smile on patients’ faces A quality improvement project is aiming to reduce wait times, ensure patients receive the right services and improve patient experience across our dental services. A review of routine appointment wait times at more than 25 sites identified that there was a wide variation between

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Improving our dental service

Working smarter

A quality improvement project at Hawkhurst Community Hospital is looking at smarter ways of working. Led by Ward Matron Jane Browning, the ward team is trialling new ways of running shifts – for efficiency, to improve the patient experience and to ensure the health and wellbeing of colleagues. Jane said: “I took time to slow

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Hawkhurst case study

Fewer cancelled operations

Two podiatric day surgery quality improvement projects have resulted in fewer cancelled operations and a reduction in the risk of post-operative infections. The team’s blood pressure project and their subsequent blood glucose project have resulted in benefits to both patients and the department. And due to their success they are now embarking on a third

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Podiatry Team