If you would like to find out more about quality improvement (QI) – in a short amount of time – please register your interest in our two hour session called QI Lite.
This is a shortened version of our one-day QI Fundamentals course. QI Lite will give you a basic understanding of how improvement works, why it is important and how you can get involved – as well as introduce you to some of the most widely used QI tools.
QI Lite is for Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust (KCHFT) colleagues who are keen to do things in a different way and to make improvements for those who use our services and their colleagues. It is for those who want to make change happen and for those interested in measuring and evidencing the impact of these changes. It’s for anyone who has ideas and thoughts on making things better. It is also open to patients and those who use our services and colleagues from partner organisations.
QI Lite will be run virtually, for small groups.
Contact our QI team to register of rind out more. Details on our Support page.