Another 14 improvement enthusiasts are now qualified after finally finishing five days of training.
A fifth cohort of quality, service improvement and redesign (QSIR) practitioners from Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust (KCHFT), had their training interrupted by the pandemic, but were finally able to resume and complete their studies mid-October 2021. The five days are usually split over two or three months, but this group had a gap of many months between days two and three.
Those qualifying were mainly KCHFT colleagues, although they also included others from the Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust (KMPT) and a local GP, from Headcorn, with the KCHFT training open to partners also.
The practitioners took a good look at quality improvement (QI) tools and methodology, as well as learning about the importance of measuring and recording data, involving those who use our services in all we do and much more. They each have a QI project to work on and will be available to help and motivate other colleagues who are interested in improvement and service redesign.
KCHFT’s sixth cohort of QSIR practitioners start their training on Friday (October 22). For more on the trust’s many different training options and to book your place visit our training page