The NHS National Director for Improvement Hugh McCaughey is to open the Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust (KCHFT) quality improvement (QI) conference in October.
Our second QI conference is to be held on Thursday, 7 October, at the Ashford International Hotel, COVID-19 restrictions allowing, as well as delegates being able to attend virtually.
Hugh McCaughey last visited our trust in March last year, shortly before the UK lockdown, where he was shown quality improvement in action. He visited project leads across Kent.
The conference is to focus on involving those who use our services in all we do – and measurement.
Also featuring in the programme is the nationally renowned illustrator and QI expert Sonia Sparkles, who strives to bring more visuals to the workplace. Sonia will lead an interactive workshop to explain how using sketchnotes can make QI easier.
The day will include presentations, where delegates can hear about QI projects which have taken place across our trust, as well as workshops.
Please do save the date!