With so much change happening around us and as we look to do things differently and to improve, we would love to hear about the little things you are doing to make things better.
Back in the summer, we ran a 15 seconds 30 minute campaign (15s30m) which resulted in our colleagues at Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust (KCHFT) coming up with some fab suggestions – so we have decided to run the initiative once again. The idea is to spend 15 seconds now doing something that could save someone else 30 minutes later, as well as reducing frustration and increasing joy in work.
Your top tips can include anything that might make things better for colleagues, patients and those who use our services. This could be never leaving the photocopier empty of paper, sending colleagues a motivational quote each day or spending an extra 15 seconds listening to a patient to hear vital information. As well as hearing about your new ideas, we also want to know about the things you have already done to save time and reduce frustration, so others can do the same.
This is what both 15s30m and quality improvement (QI) are all about. Something that takes just 15 seconds to change or do can make a big difference.
You won’t need lots of meetings or to send lots of emails to make your idea happen. It shouldn’t need any extra resources. It’s very quick and easy to launch or share a 15s30m mission, or a change you have already put in place that has saved people time and reduced frustration.
15s30m is a national initiative and as a result of our previous campaign, some of our colleagues now feature in the 15s30m hall of heroes
Please email your 15s30m ideas and missions to the QI team at: kentchft.qi@nhs.net
You could also write your mission on a piece of A4 paper, make it colourful, hold it up for all to see, take a selfie and send it in, so we can shared your photo on our Twitter profile – @serviceimpkchft
We look forward to hearing from you!